Italian Wine Is More Than a Passion;
It’s A Way of Life

Italian Wine Is More Than a Passion; It’s A Way of Life


Where Do These Italian Wines Come From?

Italy is a country known for it's beautiful landscapes and deep roots in the ancient art of winemaking. Its wines are as varied as the country's landscape: from rolling hills to fertile plains, and limestone rich coastal areas. Through our portfolio we seek to take you on a tour of Italy, through it's terroir. We've carefully selected wines that seek to showcase the delicate balance between the grapes, the soil, and the climate in this beautiful country.

Romualdi Mastri Bottai Wood Products

In our portfolio, we seek to find excellent artisanal products to bring to the American consumer, and our wood offerings are no exception. Our master cooper, Romualdi Mastri Bottai is a renowned cooperage throughout Italy and we are proud to be the sole American importer of these products. Through this collaboration, we are able to provide wineries and breweries new, as well as regenerated, fouders, casks, and barrels that are completely customizable.

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Olive Oil

Over the years, we've commented that we wish we could have the olive oil that we enjoy in Italy when we were at home. After two years of searching for the perfect collaboration, we have finally found it. Podere La Zappella, is our hand-made, artisanal, extra-virgin olive oil made in Reggello, Tuscany. With the first taste, you will be instantly transported to those rolling hills overlooking Florence.